LBM Expo 2025 Online Booth Sales Are Open!
Initial Booth Placement for LBM Expo 2025 is Open!
Questions? Contact your LBM Expo staff at
LBM Expo 2025 Attendee Registration is Open!
LBM Expo is a convention and exposition designed specifically for the retail segment of the lumber and building material (LBM) industry. LBM professionals, educators, students, and members of affiliated organizations are invited to attend. Everyone is required to wear a badge issued by LBM Expo to enter the exposition education and special events. Badges must be picked up on-site.
LBM Expo 2024 Exhibitor List
Company Name | Booth Number |
Acadia Insurance Company | 336 |
ADP/USI | 248 |
All-Time Manufacturing | 551 |
Altenloh Brinck & Co. US Inc.(SPAX) | 437 |
American Lumber Co. | 236 |
American Lumber Co. | 135 |
Arauco Wood Products | 162 |
Atlantic Forest Products | 358 |
Atlantis Rail Systems | 240 |
Barrette Outdoor Living | 271 |
B.B.&S. Treated Lumber of New England | 222 |
Bestway Enterprises | 137 |
BlueLinx | 321 |
Boise Cascade | 221 |
Brava Tile | 272 |
Britton Lumber Company LLC | 449 |
BROSCO | 211 |
BuilderWire | 261 |
BWI Distribution by Masonite | 129 |
Cabot Manufacturing ULC | 461 |
CabTec | 250 |
Cameron Ashley Building Products | 443 |
Capital Forest Products Inc. | 114 |
CertainTeed | 125 |
Cleary Millwork | 111 |
Coastal Forest Products Inc. | 229 |
Combilift USA | 471 |
Corus Fastening | 134 |
CT Darnell Construction - Sunbelt Rack | 338 |
Culpeper Wood Preservers | 157 |
D.C. Bates Equipment Co. Inc. | 249 |
Delavue Management | 146 |
DMSi | 521 |
Arthur J. Gallagher | 334 |
ECi Software Solutions | 118 |
Emery Jensen Distribution | 260 |
Epicor Software Corp. | 425 |
EVERMARK | 545 |
Evolve Stone | 360 |
Fanaco Fasteners | 566 |
Federated Insurance | 458 |
Feeney Inc. | 363 |
Flagship Forest Products | 339 |
Form Solutions/Logix | 357 |
Garden State Lumber Products | 246 |
GenetiQ | 457 |
Georgia-Pacific | 439 |
Goodfellow Inc. | 144 |
Harvey Windows and Doors | 572 |
HBH Prestain | 269 |
HIAB USA Inc. | 263 |
Holbrook Lumber Co. | 329 |
Holden Humphrey Inc. | 345 |
Hood Distribution- McQuesten Division | 519 |
Huber Engineered Woods LLC | 529 |
HUBTEX North America | 557& 575 |
Ideal Roofing | 470 |
IKO Industries Inc. | 121 |
Johnson Pine | 449 |
Kasson & Keller | 258 |
Keiver-Willard Lumber Corp. | 322 |
Krauter Auto-Stak | 235 |
Lamb & Ritchie | 469 |
LBM Advantage | 112 |
Liberty Building Products | 140 |
LMC | 548 |
LP Building Solutions | 148 |
Madison Wood Preservers Inc. | 522 |
Mariotti Building Products Inc. | 238 |
Marketing & Sales Associates | 366 |
Marketing & Sales Associates | 367 |
Marwood Ltd. | 463 |
Meltz Lumber Company | 460 |
Metrie | 124 |
Miki Forest Products | 151 |
Millwork Design by Oxford | 237 |
MindsetGo | 259 |
National Nail Corporation | 156 |
National Vinyl LLC | 541 |
NetNow | 223 |
Next Generation Systems | 161 |
Northeast Metal Fabricators | 467 |
NOVO Building Products | 360 |
NRLA - Northeastern Retail Lumber Association | 511 |
Nuvo Technologies Inc. (DBA Nuvo) | 359 |
Orgill Inc. | 558 |
Owens Corning Sales Inc. | 128 |
Paint Sundries Solutions | 130 |
PaintCare | 462 |
Paradigm | 138 |
Parksite | 435 |
Parksite | 429 |
Patwin Plastics | 523 |
Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company | 110 |
Petrocelli Marketing Group | 136 |
Pioneer Pole Buildings | 139 |
Portland Stone Ware Co. Inc. | 438 |
PrimeSource Building Products Inc. | 239 |
PFP Distribution (formerly Princeton Forest Products Inc.) | 536 |
Pylex | 562 |
Quikrete - Boston | 220 |
Ready Seal Inc. | 560 |
Regal Ideas Inc. | 543 |
Rex Lumber Co. | 423 |
Rigidply Rafters | 261 |
Russin | 119 |
Sakrete | 266 |
SBC Inc. | 141 |
Seven D Wholesale | 145 |
Simpson Strong-Tie Inc. | 225 |
Sliver Club | 468 |
Soprema | 473 |
Specialty Building Products | 311 |
Spec Ops Tools | 549 |
Steel & Wire North East | 267 |
Sturm Corp. DBA Cranes 101 Cranes Aerial Truck Service | 362 |
SummerSpace | 257 |
Tolko Industries Ltd. | 147 |
Toolbx Inc. | 459 |
Top Notch Distributors | 150 |
UFP Retail Solutions | 341 |
Warren Trask | 323 |
Western Red Cedar Lumber Association | 466 |
Weyerhaeuser | 421 |
Windsor Mill | 525 |
Wolf Home Products | 243 |
Woodgrain | 411 |
Woodport Doors | 570 |
WorksafeWorkSmart | 120 |
Worldwide Door Components Inc. | 361 |
About LBM Expo
Manufacturers, wholesalers, and distributors of lumber and building materials and related technologies, as well as companies offering business services to the industry, are afforded the opportunity to influence and interact with principals, owners, and qualified buyers. No other event in the nation delivers this amount of purchasing power face-to-face with leading retail lumber dealers in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic areas.
Why Exhibit
Why Exhibit at LBM Expo?
NRLA, the premier regional retail lumber association, offers marketing promotion through a variety of outlets including:
- Targeted direct-mail promotion.
- Customized e-mail blasts.
- Exhibitor-accessible show passes for your top customers.
- Advertising in the LBM Expo Show Guide and Lumber Co-operator.
- Website presence.
- Partnership with industry-affiliated associations and organizations.

- Manufacturers and/or wholesalers of lumber and/or building materials.
- Manufacturers of kitchen & bathroom accessories and fixtures.
- Firms selling retailers services or products,
- Manufacturers’ representatives,
- Wholesale affiliates of NRLA retail members,
- Trade associations.
- Industry publications.
- Universities, colleges and Vo-Tech high schools offering building material curricula.
- Any organization, regardless of industry segment, with a customer base consisting of primarily contractors and direct sales.
Targeted Exhibitor Move-in
(For 20×20 booths and larger only):
Monday, December 4 | 2 – 6PM
Exhibitor Move-In:
Tuesday, December 5 | 8AM – 6PM
POV Move-in via Loading Dock | 1PM – 4PM
Show Open:
Wednesday, December 6 | 9:30AM – 5PM
Thursday, December 7 |9:30AM – 5PM
Exhibitor Move-Out Begins:
Thursday, December 7| 5 – 11:55 PM
Friday, December 8| 8AM – 11AM
Exhibitor move-out (Freight re-route begins at 10AM)
Friday, December 8 | 10AM